Shows: Gaithersburg '06

Here are more photos -- paper and signs -- of the Railroad, Steamship,and Transportation Artifacts Show held in Gaithersburg, Maryland, November of 2006. This page shows assorted paper and signs.

Above left to right. Calendars from the Great Northern Railway, Northern Pacific Railroad, and Pennsylvania Railroad, the latter from the the famed artist Grif Teller.  
Above left to right. Stock certificates; two pictures; an assortment of public timetables; a large framed sign from the Chicago & Alton Railroad.
Above left to right. A cast iron sign from the Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Railway; a framed poster from the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad's Centenary celebration in 1927; a cast iron sign from the Delaware & Hudson Railroad; a sign from an unknown railroad. Update: We received an email in Fall 2009 saying that this sign could be from the Boston Subway (Thanks to CM).
Above left to right.A very old cast iron crossing sign used on the Western Maryland Railway; a side of a box labeled for the Maine Central Railroad; a Northern Pacific Railway telephone box sign; a "No Smoking" sign from the Norfolk & Western Railway.
Above left to right. A "No Trespassing" sign from the Norfolk & Western Railway; a sign from the Seaboard Coastline Railroad; a safety sign from the Norfolk & Western Railway; assorted books.

Gaithersburg '06 Links.....

All photos by Rob Hoffer.